Tuesday, October 2, 2007

3 more days........

3 more days!! till the weekend retreat.......at bachelor lake....I am really feelin' the need!! for it!! I am tryin' to get my supplies a little organized.....so I went through everything......But I did get one page done....today before the clean up.....
lovin' this urban lily paper.....too...cute!!


renee said...

stacey, i love that layout...it's so different but it looks awesome! great job and have fun on your weekend crop! lucky you!

renee said...

oops, sorry i misspelled your name...i noticed it as soon as i his publish comment.

Wendy said...

I love it, have a fab time

Anonymous said...

Wish you could put me in your suitcase! I will be thinking of you while I am unpacking boxes!
