Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I swear it is so weird to go to school and actually care about your grades...'cause back in the day I didn't I just wanted to get through the class, but now I am really trying to do this was my first weeks worth of work through the keyboarding I was excited to get 100% but in both of the classes I am taking...there is already a big change...the test are getting longer and longer, and even the getting tougher...being timed, not looking at the keyboard...and then having to be accurate at that....but I am still loving it...I admit that I am feeling a little tired...but it kinda feels good to be so busy....Mon I went to school, right to work and then straight to weigh in..then, gym...choir concert....but I know it won't always be this busy....tomorrow...I've got school, dentist, and babysitting the tacketts....but friday I am looking forward to croppin' with the Scrappy Chic....won't be there til' later...probably around 5....but I think they're open til' midnight....yeah..right like I could stay up that late!!! but we shall see....yesterday sommer had her spring choir concert....and we always take a few pics of us before we first the girls wanted to do a goofy shot...then I said lets do a serious one....and as I walked over to the camera to set the timer.....the lil' battery sign popped up....and the battery died!!! I grabbed the video camera...and figured that would have to least I have this pic...even if we do look insane!!! but after using the video camera for like a minute it froze.....Okay maybe this was a just sit back and enjoy the I did!! and she did great....
yesterday after school....I went right to the gym...boy oh' boy I didn't want to's so hard to get there....even though I feel great when I do....but as we were leaving school I told tonee'...I would rather stick my keys in my eye than go to the gym.....but I know I have too...blah..blah...blah...yeah..I'm whinning....


Anonymous said...

What a busy week! Congrats on your test scores. It is funny how you care more about your grades as an adult. I think it's because you are the one paying the bill!


Babydoll said...

Congrats on your grade and I love the picture!! It's fun to be silly. :)