Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers day 2009 me and the girls went to cemetery, this picture just says to me that this is my life right now....and as we shared about how much we missed their dad...and we knew he would've been carving the watermelon, and wrapping the cabbage....and it started out sad, but before we knew it, we were laughing about all the things he used to do..all the memories he left us, and even though the girls only had him a short time, we realize how lucky we were because he left them with all good memories, that we will pass down..forever...and some people have dads their entire life......without great memories!!
when we got home I had a cookout for the other dad's in my life, my brother and my dad...we just cooked some burgers on the grill.......
and after everyone left....this is how I spent the rest of the day.....


🌈🌈🌈 said...

What a great way to spend the day Staci! Love ALL of those photos...;)

Anonymous said...

I see that you celebrated with your new sugar daddy...Mike! And he's hard...

Guess who