Friday, February 20, 2009

just wanted to pop in real I am enjoying having the house to myself...for the minute!! but I went to the cardio guy today...and had an ekg done, blood drawn (wants to check my thyroid) and he thinks that I may just have a slow beating heart, but he scheduled a stress test to make sure that it can get going when it needs to...he didn't seem to worried, which made me not feel worried....So I feel pretty good!! My bloodpressure was really good today which was nice, but my resting heartbeat...was only 52...was kinda shocked!! but then today I hit the gym....and I got that baby up to 155...not to shabby!! so thanks for your thoughts....I really felt a sense of peace when I got there....I think it's going to be okay!!!
looking forward to watching this new reality show called "jockeys", and then a new 20/20.....that would mean staying up til' 11pm...we shall see!!
Oh yeah..yesterday I got a phone call from one of ed's friends....Ron...just calling to check up on did that feel good!!! Sometimes think people have forgotten....about him..about us...


Taniwha said...

Great stuff, so glad you're not stressed about it. 52 definitely sounds like a chilled out heart! I'm the opposite, I've got an overactive thyroid and my resting heartrate is over 100 lol! And I never get the good side effect to hyperthyroidism either, I should be skinny as a rake in theory.... dammit!

Taniwha said...

And hey, I saw you wearing a Detroit top in this weeks video, are you near Detroit? I am coming over to visit my friend in Florida again this summer and I'm flying through Detroit this time! I'll have to wave if you are near there!