Friday, January 23, 2009

trying new stuff

since this new adventure in my life...of eating better and trying new things.....there has only been one thing so far that I have tried...and I don't like and that is "split peas" ughhhh...until I picked up this taboule salad....thought it might be good with some shrimp or chicken...but Ohhhh....I hate it!!! tastes like poop......(not that I know what poop tastes like) and then I tried to eat it twice telling myself to give it a chance..but nope...this one is not going to be a favorite, but I've heard lots of people talk about how much they love it.....but I guess we all have different tastes, like one of my favs right Crab meat dipped in vanilla fat free yogurt...and my kids think I'm insane..but its good!!! I did scrap a little....wanted to do a page of my polka dot toenails...
wanted to thank everybody for their prayers....I think they're already working...."fingers crossed"........Sommer is spending the weekend with my mom....and I am looking forward to a quiet weekend again "fingers crossed".......


Mel Place said...

hi staci it been a while since i pop in!i am trying new healthy foods for this year too or just something new this week me and dd try sushi and I LIKE IT!!keep up the good work and pea soup suck i hate it

Tami said...

i do not eat ANY fruits or veggies, but i found a spring mix of greens that i have enjoyed 4 times this week! i had some chicken, almonds and cheese to it, i didn't realize how filling it all could be.

Silvitanova said...

It's a while ago since I've stopped at your blog (I'm not blogsurfing at all lately). Missed you, love your feet page so much :-)
About the salad: Oh, you have to make it yourself, I'm sure that you'll like tabouleh. That prefab stuff is not the same.
Sending good vibes to your family.
All the best! xSilvia

latte_grande said...

Mmmmm...I think crab meat dipped in yogurt sounds gooood!! One of my fav Subway sandwiches used to be the crab salad one, until I realized that one had tons of calories! Yeah, trust me to find the only UNhealthy thing at Subway, lol!
SO excited for you...almost to 100 pounds lost!! Congrats on your Scrapbooks, Etc. pub, too!! I have that copy flipped right to page 94 to oooh and aaah over it. WhOot!! :)

Babydoll said...

Cute tosies! :)